
Another year passed without entry on my own little record of life's descent into madness. Caught up lifting the veil, peering past the facade of normalcy, learning truths none were meant to know.

I'll spare you to worst of it. Of what lay in wait in back alleys, what nameless horrors lurk behind you until you turn your head. The King has fallen in public consciousness, he lashes out in impotent fury.

Ironically, the more he appeared, the sooner he lost the element of fear. Inured through repeat exposure, those who would spread his image turned it into an inside joke, easter eggs and little cameos and cutesy videos and drawings of an adult nature. Passionate coupling with the most famous of Lovecraft's nightmares.

I should be relieved. I should feel like we won. Finally. At long last, the King has lost his power. We have dragged him from the shadows, into the light, where his strength is for naught, and, bored, his victims deny his plans to intrude upon reality, relegating him to horror fiction, a carnival freak show tourists encounter for fun, to entertain themselves through consciously manipulating the fear response and fight-or-flight instinct.

If only he were the worst of the horrors that lurk beyond our comfortably-defined "laws of the universe."


  1. Last post 2017 huh? That's a pretty long time for a blog to remain inactive for and it has been inactive hasn't it? After all, what purpose will an Observer serve if there is nothing left to observe? How many pieces have fallen off the board during your observations, how many blogs lay dormant just like yours serving as nothing more than a virtual gravestone?

    But it hasn't been entirely dormant, has it? Sure, there might be no new posts, or comments, however, I distinctly remember this little blog of yours having an entirely different layout, a little bit more "bright" than the current one.

    So Observer, tell me, is there truly nothing left to spectate? Because as I've been seeing it for the past couple of years, one King might have stepped down, but a new one quickly took it's place.

    If you're still out there, looking on in horror at the countless deaths that take place at the hands of the Eternal Ones, feel free to shoot me an e-mail, for no other reason than just to inform SOMEONE that the game still has participants in it, than what it seems to show.


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